In the morning, the President will receive the President’s Daily Brief. This meeting will be closed press.
Then, the President will depart Los Angeles, California and travel to Eastern Coachella Valley, California. The departure from Santa Monica Landing Zone and departure from Los Angeles International Airport will be covered by the out-of-town pool. The arrival to Jacqueline Cochran Regional Airport will be covered by the out-of-town pool.
After, the President will deliver remarks. These remarks in Thermal, California will be open press.
In the afternoon, the President will depart Eastern Coachella Valley, California and return to Los Angeles, California. The departure from Jacqueline Cochran Regional Airport will be covered by the out-of-town pool. The arrival to and departure from Los Angeles International Airport will be covered by the out-of-town pool. The arrival to and departure from Santa Monica Landing Zone will be covered by the out-of-town pool.
Out-of-Town Pool
Wires: AP, Reuters, Bloomberg
Wire Photos: AP, Reuters, AFP, NYT
TV Corr & Crew: NBC
Print: AFP
Radio: NPR
10:00 AM Out-of-Town Pool Call Time
10:00 AM THE PRESIDENT receives the Presidential Daily Brief
Closed Press
12:10 PM THE PRESIDENT departs Santa Monica Landing Zone en route to Los Angeles International Airport
Santa Monica Landing Zone
Out-of-Town Pool
12:20 PM THE PRESIDENT arrives to Los Angeles International Airport
Los Angeles International Airport
Out-of-Town Pool
12:30 PM THE PRESIDENT departs Los Angeles, California en route to Thermal, California
Los Angeles International Airport
Out-of-Town Pool
1:10 PM THE PRESIDENT arrives to Thermal, California
Jacqueline Cochran Regional Airport
Out-of-Town Pool
2:15 PM THE PRESIDENT delivers remarks
Thermal, California
Open Press
3:40 PM THE PRESIDENT departs Thermal, California en route to Los Angeles, California
Jacqueline Cochran Regional Airport
Out-of-Town Pool
4:20 PM THE PRESIDENT arrives to Los Angeles, California
Los Angeles International Airport
Out-of-Town Pool
4:30 PM THE PRESIDENT departs Los Angeles International Airport en route to Santa Monica Landing Zone
Los Angeles International Airport
Out-of-Town Pool
4:40 PM THE PRESIDENT arrives to Santa Monica Landing Zone
Santa Monica Landing Zone
Out-of-Town Pool