City Council authorized purchase of construction services for facilities and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) repairs from Buyboard Contractor Brown and Root Industrial Services
On Thursday, the City Council authorized the purchase of construction services for facilities and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) repairs from Buyboard Contractor Brown and Root Industrial Services.
This proposed ordinance authorizes purchase of construction services for facilities and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) repairs for Fiscal Year 2025 with Brown and Root Industrial Services, in the amount of $1,444,164.00, through the Buyboard Cooperative Purchase Program contract #728-24.
Contractors are approved vendors through the Buyboard Cooperative Purchase Program. The City of Baytown is a member of the same, and can access contracts with the supplying companies. The cooperative agreement has already been competitively bid, through which the city is receiving the deepest discounts.
The contractor will have individual projects they will be responsible for and be paid accordingly per project.