Baytown Hazard Mitigation Plan Public Meeting

The City of Baytown is developing the City of Baytown Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMAP or Plan). The Hazard Mitigation Plan will be a comprehensive document describing the risk of natural and human-caused hazards to the community. It also establishes specific actions and strategies to minimize or eliminate the long-term risk to human life and property from known hazards through effective mitigation.

The City of Baytown will hold public meetings to gather public input for developing the plan. The purpose of the public meeting is to provide a project overview and solicit information from residents. Public input will help the planning team analyze potential hazards affecting residents and recommend possible actions to reduce their impact.

January 8, 2025 at 5:30 PM
Baytown Community Center
Lone Star Room
2407 Market Street
Baytown, TX 77520

The Baytown Times

New Report
