Baytown Parks & Recreation Wins at (TRAPS) State Equipment Rodeo

Each year, the Baytown Parks and Recreation Team competes in the Texas Recreation and Park Society’s (TRAPS) State Equipment Rodeo, where operators showcase their skills with various park equipment, including zero-turn lawnmowers, backpack blowers, and backhoes. The event also includes challenges that test knowledge in areas like plant and weed identification, irrigation assembly, and more.

This year, Baytown performed exceptionally well, with one team finishing 2nd and the other placing 4th out of 27 competing teams. It’s also worth noting that Baytown took 1st place in the non-sanctioned tug-of-war competition, highlighting the team’s strength and teamwork. Although we missed 1st place overall by just one point, Baytown outscored every other participating city on average, demonstrating our team’s outstanding performance across the board.

The Baytown Times

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