
Chief Stringer Appointed to the Texas Police Chiefs Association Mentorship Committee

Congratulations are for Chief Stringer. The Texas Police Chiefs Association has appointed a Mentorship Committee to focus on developing a formal mentorship program for new police chiefs. Chief Stringer was one of 6 Police Chiefs from across the State chosen for a spot on the committee. This is a testament to the experience and professionalism Chief Stringer brings to our City.

About the TPCA

The Texas Police Chiefs Association was founded in 1958 to promote, encourage and advance the professional development of Chiefs of Police and senior police management personnel throughout the State of Texas.

TPCA is a statewide law enforcement administrator’s organization for Texas and, as such, it is concerned on a statewide basis with all issues involving the criminal justice system. We believe that local chiefs of police possess a thorough knowledge of the law enforcement needs within the state.

Through an organization such as TPCA, issues affecting the criminal justice system can be addressed both with local elected officials and the state legislature. Over five decades after its founding, TPCA actively seeks to promote the professional practice of law enforcement administration, to represent the membership and the profession on issues of concern, and to encourage high ethical standards of conduct among law enforcement administrators through its code of ethics.

The Baytown Times

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