On Monday, the House will meet at noon for the morning hour and 2:00 p.m. for legislative business. First and last votes expected: 6:30 p.m.
Legislation Considered Under Suspension of the Rules:
H.R. 192 – Amtrak Executive Bonus Disclosure Act (Sponsored by Rep. Rouzer / Transportation and Infrastructure Committee)
H.R. 188 – Amtrak Transparency and Accountability for Passengers and Taxpayers Act (Sponsored by Rep. Nehls / Transportation and Infrastructure Committee)
H.R. 152 – Federal Disaster Assistance Coordination Act (Sponsored by Rep. Ezell / Transportation and Infrastructure Committee)
H.R. 153 – Post-Disaster Assistance Online Accountability Act (Sponsored by Rep. Ezell / Transportation and Infrastructure Committee)
H.R. 164 – POWER Act of 2025 (Sponsored by Rep. Hoyle / Transportation and Infrastructure Committee)
H.R. 144 – Tennessee Valley Authority Salary Transparency Act (Sponsored by Rep. Cohen / Transportation and Infrastructure Committee)
H.R. 189 – Securities and Exchange Commission Real Estate Leasing Authority Revocation Act (Sponsored by Del. Norton / Transportation and Infrastructure Committee)

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