Texas Legislature Online – Subject Alert

The following bills were assigned subjects of interest:

Subject: Agriculture

SB 886
Relating to the production, sale, and use of certain agricultural products containing perfluoralkyl and polyfluoralkyl substances (PFAS); creating a criminal offense.

Subject: Aliens

HB 2034
Relating to the issuance of groundwater permits to certain aliens or foreign entities.

Subject: Animals

HB 2041
Relating to the criminal offense of passing certain vehicles on a highway.

Subject: Business & Commerce–General

HB 2033
Relating to the establishment of the community development grocery store grant program and to the use of money from the Texas Enterprise Fund for the program.

Subject: Business & Commerce–Trade Practices

HB 1431
Relating to the prohibited manufacture, processing, possession, distribution, offer for sale, and sale of cell-cultured protein.

SB 261
Relating to the prohibited manufacture, processing, possession, distribution, offer for sale, and sale of cell-cultured protein.

Subject: City Government–Roads

SB 887
Relating to the authority of a municipality to use funds collected from an impact fee to construct or install a safety improvement to a roadway facility.

Subject: Civil Remedies & Liabilities

HB 2031
Relating to the possession, carrying, transporting, or storing of a firearm or firearm ammunition by a tenant on the leased premises; providing a civil penalty.

SB 266
Relating to certain tax and fee collection procedures and taxpayer suits.

SB 880
Relating to political advertising distributed or broadcast as part of a mass text message campaign and civil penalties for required disclosures on certain political advertising.

SB 882
Relating to certain rights and duties of residential tenants and landlords; increasing the amount of civil penalties.

The Baytown Times

New Report
